Episode 27: Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine For Expanding Human Potential With Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Episode 27: Cutting Edge Regenerative Medicine For Expanding Human Potential with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
How Things Connect with Stephanie Wang


In this episode:

  • Genius doctor, innovative scientist, researcher and inventor Dr. Todd Ovokaitys joins us for a mind-blowing conversation on his laser biophysics research and stem cell protocol using electromagnetic frequency to reverse biological age at the DNA level. By using vibrational frequency and no chemistry whatsoever, he has developed technology that can activate, upregulate and direct stem cells to enhance life force in a system, reducing viral loads and healing disease.

  • He shares his fascinating journey and passion that lies beyond life extension into exploring full human potential. Besides the physical, how does his tech help resolve emotional conflict and enhance consciousness to engineer a new kind of human? With renewed physical vigor and extra biological time, the question then becomes: are you up-leveling mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

  • Continuing his work with frequency Dr. Todd created a movement known as Pineal Tones - a system of sounds based on ancient ways of knowing that are designed to assist with human balance, health and expansion of awareness. We also explore how his technology extends to animals and plants with major implications for farming and agriculture, and its potential for producing more high quality and nutrient-dense food.

About Dr. Ovokaitys:

Dr. Todd was first in his class in high school and at Northwestern University and was accepted only after 2 years of college to the premiere program at Johns Hopkins Medical School.  He then did further training at Georgetown in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine.  He has become a leader in laser biophysics research and has developed a stem cell protocol that has reversed biological age at the DNA level more than any other method in medical history.  He has been granted multiple patents in stem cells, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and even agriculture.  

Dr. Todd also composes chorale and instrumental symphonic pieces.  The transcendental choirs he has created and produced all around the world, with up to 900+ choristers, rejuvenate the body while immensely boosting personal vibrational and awareness sates.  The combination of the biomedical and esoteric reflect his passion for the full exploration and expansion of the human potential.

Dr. Todd’s inventions are bringing a new way of thinking about aging and medicine, based on the body’s nutritional needs rather than pure chemical attempts to heal symptoms and issues. His contributions to the science of aging, advanced nutrition, and to solving issues of human disease, are outstanding.

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